Jovan Prosthodontics

Tips For New Dentures

Dec 5, 2022 @ 02:26 PM — by Ace Jovanovski, DMD
Tagged with: Dentures Missing Teeth

Dentures can restore your smile, and your confidence. Today’s dentures can offer the realistic look of natural teeth. As with anything new, there may be a bit of a learning curve and adjustment period. These tips for new dentures can help you to adjust to your new life with your new smile.


Dentures are prosthetic teeth that are formed to fit your mouth. They are designed to restore your smile after the loss of natural teeth. Dentures can be partial or full. This means that they can replace just a few teeth, or a full upper and lower set.

Regardless of the type of dentures needed, they will be custom designed for your mouth. Partial dentures will be matched in color to your natural teeth.

Dentures have been around for hundreds of years. In years long gone, artificial teeth were made using wood. Later, as technology advanced, dentures were made using plastic or porcelain. Today, dentures are typically made with a hard resin. This resin is durable, but can still potentially crack or chip if dropped or not properly cared for.


The resin materials also wear down faster than natural teeth. This means that many dentures will need to be replaced every five years. The supportive structure of the dentures, the part that holds the prosthetic teeth in place, is made from a resin similar to that used for the teeth. It may also be a more flexible polymer that offers a snug and comfortable fit on the gum line.


Dentures will certainly restore a smile that previously had multiple lost teeth. They will also help to preserve the structure of the mouth and face. Lost teeth can cause a sinking appearance around the lips and cheeks. Dentures can restore a natural look.

Dentures also allow wearers to enjoy foods that they perhaps weren’t able to for many years. Chewing ability can be restored, ensuring that wearers get the right nutrition.

In addition, dentures can restore a smile when patients have otherwise found themselves in serious pain. Oral health issues, including severe decay and rotted roots can be eliminated, with a natural-looking smile restoration alternative.


If you’ve recently had dentures fitted, you may be struggling with getting used to feeling them in your mouth. As with anything new, you just need to give it some time. Discomfort is often simply just a part of a new life with dentures. The good news is that you don’t need to sacrifice comfort for your beautiful new smile.

Once your dentures are in place, they will feel very much like the foreign object that they are. You may even find that it’s a little bit embarrassing learning how to talk or eat with them. It’s normal to feel a bit of discomfort, but remember that it won’t last forever.


Patience is key as you learn how to speak and eat with dentures. According to data released by the American Dental Association (ADA), it completely normal to experience minor soreness with new dentures. A visit to your dentist to adjust your dentures may help to provide some relief from discomfort. If your dentures are removable, you may want to remove them every four to six hours. This will allow your gums and jaw a bit of relief while getting used to them.

You don’t necessarily need to adjust your diet. It can take some getting used to chewing with your dentures, however.


It’s perfectly normal to feel soreness in your gums as you adjust to your dentures. There shouldn’t be severe pain, however. It can take between two to four weeks for your dentures to feel completely comfortable against your gums.

If the dentures don’t feel like they fit as well as you’d think they should, you may need to get them adjusted. Poorly fitted dentures can result in mouth sores and even serious infections. Sometimes just a minor adjustment can make a world of difference in how the dentures feel and fit.

Dentures that are too loosely fit can also result in discomfort. Food can become trapped beneath the dentures and lead to irritation.

It may be best to consult with your dentist, if you are suffering from prolonged discomfort. They will be able to check your dentures and make sure they are the right fit if they are starting to feel uncomfortable.



It’s a daunting consideration, learning to eat with dentures. It’s a good idea to take it slow. A liquid diet of nutrient-dense foods like oatmeal, soup, applesauce and other foods that don’t require chewing. Trying to chew immediately after getting dentures could be uncomfortable for your sensitive gums. Give your gums a few days to adjust to the dentures before you progress to solid food.

Most of us tend to favor chewing on one side of our mouth. For denture wearers, this can mean the device could slip out of place. Once you start to enjoy solid foods, chew slowly and evenly on both sides of your mouth.


Take the time to cut food into smaller pieces. This will make it easier to chew as you’re still learning to chew with dentures. Be sure to avoid tough and chewy foods. As an example, red meat can be difficult to chew when you have dentures.

It’s important to note that a little bit of soreness is truly to be expected. Take your time, go slow and don’t rush into your old diet. Your gums and jaw may feel tender for several weeks. With a bit of time and patience, you’ll soon be back to eating normally.


Regardless of the type of dentures you have, all dentures will need to be cleaned daily.

Even though dentures are prosthetics, bacteria and plaque can still become a concern. This can lead to damage to any remaining natural teeth, and the gums.Brush fixed dentures as you would your natural teeth. Removable dentures can be washed and brushed with a denture cleaning solution.Be sure to only use products that are safe for use on dentures. Some products may otherwise prove to be too abrasive for your dentures.

Dentures can restore your smile. They can also restore your confidence levels. You may just be surprised at some of the individuals who wear dentures. They were once considered something exclusively for seniors. However, today’s denture wearers range in age. Dentures are a more affordable option than a full set of dental implants. This does make them a popular choice for patients of all ages.

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